Call No. : +320-224-3095 / Mail Address :
Our Collision Avoidance Training System has been proven to improve student driver reaction time. Available to be customized to fit your needs, our system benefits and
features are listed below.
Our bright LED lights train drivers to respond correctly and quickly to visual cues instead of auditory signals.
Our controller box can allow for the switching between light systems on a large EVOC course allowing for the independent operation of one to eight surrounding units simultaneously.
Easy to use management software option allows you to run the system from the comfort of your laptop instead of the remote.
Choose from yellow, red or green to best meet your safety needs.
Battery Charger – Intelligent charger design for all types of 14.8V batteries.
Retro-Reflective Vehicle Detector – Good for all weather environments and mobility. – Weatherproof -Detection length up to 40′.
Flashing beacons have been shown to improve safety in school zones by decreasing vehicle speeds by up to 7mph.
Our systems are built to last and require little maintenance. In fact, the very 1st system we built is still being used every day 23 years later!
Our system works with 1-3 light configurations and a mobile option including mounting brackets for portable stands to be used on a parking lot.
We provide you a two year warranty on parts and labor excluding, purposeful modifications and damage and/or theft.
Laptop Software Program – Download our Windows based program and control the lights from the comfort of your squad car laptop.
Travel Case – Grrat for easy storage and mobility. – The waterproof and airtight seal shuts out the elements while the custom foam molding matches the system we sell you for easy access.
Wireless – Our most popular system. This prevents the need for cables stretching over the course. – Great for clients that need easy portability and quick set up.
Non-Wireless – Our 1st system was sold to a driving school over 23 years ago, and is still in use today! – Great for stationary EVOC driving courses at College or Universities.
Rental Program – Our system is available to be rented one week at a time. Please contact us for pricing and system availability.
Wireless Main Controller – Weather-resistant – Powered by Li-ion rechargeable battery pack.
Wireless Traffic Light – Weatherproof – 8 ” bulb with sun visor – Powered by Li-ion rechargeable battery pack.
Wireless Vehicle Detector – Weatherproof – Powered by Li-ion rechargeable battery pack.
Air Hose Vehicle Detector – Weatherproof – 10′ – 20′ air hose length.
Battery Packs – High quality 14.8 V Li-ion rechargeable battery packs good for 10-12 hours of continuous use.
Tripod – This tripod stand is adjustable from 44″ to 80″, allowing you to easily mount the lights at eye level height when sitting. – Brackets mount to the traffic lights to hold them in place.